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When a player joins Thirsk H C they are required to register as a member in the membership section. For a senior player this is a full registration which will allow you to receive team information such as selection advice.
Where this is for a junior then the parent/guardian is the main contact point and should register as a club member only. The parent/guardian should include an email address in their record. Then the junior member should be registered, only showing D of B and which team they will play in. There should not be an email on the junior membership record . An email can only be used once on the database.
Once a player is registered then they are required to pay their subscription through the web site. Once paid a player is then eligible to be selected for any team. Subscriptions should be paid by the end of October, unless a half sub has been negotiated with their team captain, when the balance is to be paid by the end of January. Non payment by the dates indicated will preclude a player being selected.